Website Wednesday -
I’m going to start something new today. There are so many good resources out there about photography and photography related things, I thought I would start to share one every Wednesday. I’m not very good with routines, I think they are boring, so I may stray a little. I’m going to try though.
My first website I want to share with you is Boy, this one has so much to offer! They are always posting great, easy to do photo crafts. They will teach you how to make cork/photo coasters, snow globes, leaf silhouettes, photo jewelry out of Shrinky Dinks, photo puzzle blocks and sooo much more.
They have countless projects that you can do with your camera. They will really unleash your creativity. You can learn how to paint with light, photograph lightning, make panoramas and turn a paperclip into a tripod.
I absolutely love their product finds. They have found many very cool photography related goodies like frames that will make your pictures look like Polaroids, magnetic photo rope and funky filters for your iphone camera. You have to check out the store. I had to wipe off my keyboard after drooling over everything.
They also have this really cool feature called “Time Capsule.” You set up a Flickr account if you don’t already have one and twice a month they will email you a picture from a year ago from your Flickr account. It’s free too.
Check it out, but be careful, it’s very addictive.